Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Just Do It!

This slogan of a super-famous American-Roman company advertising sports shoes personifies everything ugly in the US. If only you knew Americans. The only thing that keeps them together is the so-called American dream which is the worst Baptistic bunch of nonsense I’ve ever heard (I’m not surprised they have problems with mass murderers because the Schroedinger cat’s complex is quite elevated because of the American dream - in simple words, you can’t live on the same planet with them).
This dull culture is observed by our children in American movies and comics. Just pannels ;o). Maybe the confused management of our planet is a theatre allegory - all bored watchers (because they are sitting doing nothing) and then watch some stage (USA) and clap their hands because their mom and Shakespeare taught them to do so!
... so it happens that after the arrival of the American dream, after a successful evening in a bar with an unknown beauty a man comes home with another man and the doctor can make a check that he bluffed the little brain again - the group Presidents of U.S.A.: She is mix-up - savana bitch!
I know doctor, more and more signatures on the petition to go back to the medieval time in our area but we can take the suffering, children, right? Be aware that the science has its limits (see "star" flights stagnating - ateism and baptism end in their own Pampers ;o) ) and the train keep goingl!
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2021/14/12 - See ya, chick!
2021/22/11 - Our gayity!
2021/29/10 - Oligarchy-like attitude of universities towards talents!
2021/16/10 - Abrah Islam!
2021/10/10 - Justice under the counter!
2021/6/9 - Western (from the China) terrorist governments!
2021/6/9 - Hold on, Pionyer!
2021/31/8 - Pyrrhic victory of the West that’s truly annoying!
2021/24/8 - U.S.A. is the biggest ...!
2021/29/7 - New proposal for the Japanese KFC: Instead of Twist - Helsinki Syndrome!
2021/17/7 - Asshole!
2021/16/7 - So that minorities don’t become majority!
2021/9/7 - Don’t Let U.S. Be Like the U.S.A. Otherwise the Security Will Betray U.S. (CZech Rep.)!
2021/7/7 - Arch-DaftPunk!
2021/2/7 - We Are TRANS!
2021/27/6 - You Don’t Understand a Joke - You Don’t Lose in Figth a Dick!
2021/14/6 - In the Name of the Republic: How They Deprived the Bear of the Full Moon!
2021/29/5 - D: Give me Your 666 - I Will Show You What Kind of Person You Are!
2021/8/5 - The Pit and the Pendulum!
2021/7/5 - Victim of the Spiral!
2021/5/5 - Jan Nevečeřal, You (S)keta!
2021/21/3 - Bony and Quit!
2021/15/3 - Germanies not Stolen Gold Card of Valas!
2021/3/3 - A Fight by Stanislavskij!
2021/19/2 - Relations and Reversification!
2021/7/2 - U.F.C. - Where Was It When I Came Across an Idiot Last Time?
2021/21/1 - The Eighth Continent - Where did I Hear That?
2021/3/1 - For Rage Against the Machine foR

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