Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)



"If there weren’t murderers - there wouldn’t be reptiles," an old saying say and to me it’s an explanation of the lack of protection of our e-systems. It’s not only about the fact they have been programed by high school students as confirmed by the Czech news in the past already, programmers of the assembler, which is machine base and all compilers translate their codes through that, don’t bother with the universtity (they wouldn’t learn much about the code structures at the unversity anyway).
This world counts with illegal activities - that’s why there are still bank notes, e-systems can be hacked to have prescription drugs for the junkies, etc..
When I’m looking at our society I think that the feeling I have had since the first real development of informatics is really right: the true nature of capitalist reality can’t be stolen - illegal activities are getting to me from MS Windows.
I haven’t managed. At work, before I was definitely dismissed, I had emigrated to Sri Lanka and that’s where I do programming: Prophecy: Know that you can’t get to farin C++, C#, Delphi, as the way goes through the assembler. I have 382 software patents on my account and been waiting for other 3. Now it’s about selling it - hire a college student who will implement my hacks with the languages above (in order to have a window in MS Windows).
It will be a beautiful word - without illegal activities, right?!
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2022/11/12 - Sanctions for the bank!
2022/04/11 - Just the U.S.!
2022/28/09 - Revenge for Afghanistan (cooperation or callaboration?)!
2022/23/09 - The OLD in the hands of the police!
2022/12/08 - QUEER deal!
2022/30/07 - The power of education! - little anthropological analysis
2022/21/07 - Power of awareness!
2022/16/07 - There is no democracy in Srí Lanka controlled by Europe - people are attacking!
2022/07/07 - There is a lack of women in Russia - Putin has been attacking!
2022/22/05 - Kryhplcity IN SPIRAL!
2022/11/05 - Rehabilitation through Putin!
2022/22/04 - Mad-house!
2022/16/04 - [: Izvinyite ma - igrayet Radio Revolutsiya :]
2022/16/04 - 666 vs Whore Manata!
2022/12/04 - Zed is dead, baby - ZET is dead!
2022/02/04 - Trial with the Fake King!
2022/25/03 - Fake Grease!
2022/02/03 - What are we putting in our buttonholes tomorrow II?!
2022/24/02 - What are we putting in our buttonholes tomorrow?! (Golden bullet Siciliana!)
2022/01/01 - Mutiny on the Bounty (EDEN - paradise)!

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