Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Bonmots of the Theory of Theories!

The Theory of Theories is something that hasn’t been taught - that must be born - so I was born: "Why am I called Antichrist?" that was my first thought, "This is like chasing a fox!"
So at least a few bonmots of the Theory of Theories so that you know why am I laughing at you:
ad 1. The Intelligence of people is endless.
ad 2. The woman is so close to the man like the man to the wine.
ad 3. Viciousness pays off with money.
ad 4. A monch doesn’t know burdens.
ad 5. The cat goes through the black hole, the dog through the plastic window.
ad 6. Lower blanket is upper blanket.
ad 7. Ass and brain do not come in pairs (mold ;o) ).
That’s just my introduction in short. Who understands, can go with me. Be aware that the Old Testament is Something but the story of Christ - that’s just what they get you with. Thank you for your attention...
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

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