Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


At the End of the Rock-and-roll We Got the System Of A Down!

There’s probably nobody who would believe in the sanctity of the 25A musicians switch Since the times of Beatles when rock-and-roll was promoted by the western secret service agents many things have changed and who doesn’t have their DJ, doesn’t exist. Don’t get offended, but I’m talking about the majority. If we are supposed to behave towards them, the current rock-and-rollists, the way they want us to in their music, then we have to throw them out of the house and release the dogs to chase them.
... The Power Ring might be rock-and-roll which would mean that according to the prophecy you as Frodo are trying to destroy the music in you - which would finally explain why everything since J.R.T. is so strange.
If rock-and-roll wasn’t against the computer (…and all the whores, thores etc. ;o) ). Thank you for your attention...
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

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