Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Victim of the Spiral!

When I was young and attended high school, we would have lectures about drugs - a certain Mr Douda was presenting there assuring us that marijuana was not such a big problem. I don’t think so - marijuana is not the strongest drug but definitely the highest one. There is a close relation to the electric shocks and that’s what it is good for. It contains about 70 substances that do not occur anywhere else in nature - cannabioids (e.g. THC - tetra hydro cannabioid the effects of which on the brain are proven).
Why was it just that Douda - that’s the question of my life because I believed what he said and became a stoner (a smoker of marijuana). I found out from people that „pure“ „alcoholics“ do drain us, drugees, socially - for their „tea parties“ and the bartenders, the worst whores in the world by far, support that (even though they sometimes smoke weed with us, too ;o) )!
Well, drugs are here to make the skidding line of alcoholics well greased! Discrimination is literally so hard that we can be glad they sell us alcohol at least. That’s why I say thanks, Mr Douda - not for beeing a pothead now (thanks to my intelligence I had a good job so I have an above-the-standard disability pension now) but for you applying everything so well and enabling us to know so much about the world: Once again, thanks! ;oQ
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2021/14/12 - See ya, chick!
2021/22/11 - Our gayity!
2021/29/10 - Oligarchy-like attitude of universities towards talents!
2021/16/10 - Abrah Islam!
2021/10/10 - Justice under the counter!
2021/6/9 - Western (from the China) terrorist governments!
2021/6/9 - Hold on, Pionyer!
2021/31/8 - Pyrrhic victory of the West that’s truly annoying!
2021/24/8 - U.S.A. is the biggest ...!
2021/29/7 - New proposal for the Japanese KFC: Instead of Twist - Helsinki Syndrome!
2021/17/7 - Asshole!
2021/16/7 - So that minorities don’t become majority!
2021/9/7 - Don’t Let U.S. Be Like the U.S.A. Otherwise the Security Will Betray U.S. (CZech Rep.)!
2021/7/7 - Arch-DaftPunk!
2021/2/7 - We Are TRANS!
2021/27/6 - You Don’t Understand a Joke - You Don’t Lose in Figth a Dick!
2021/14/6 - In the Name of the Republic: How They Deprived the Bear of the Full Moon!
2021/29/5 - D: Give me Your 666 - I Will Show You What Kind of Person You Are!
2021/8/5 - The Pit and the Pendulum!
2021/7/5 - Victim of the Spiral!
2021/5/5 - Jan Nevečeřal, You (S)keta!
2021/21/3 - Bony and Quit!
2021/15/3 - Germanies not Stolen Gold Card of Valas!
2021/3/3 - A Fight by Stanislavskij!
2021/19/2 - Relations and Reversification!
2021/7/2 - U.F.C. - Where Was It When I Came Across an Idiot Last Time?
2021/21/1 - The Eighth Continent - Where did I Hear That?
2021/3/1 - For Rage Against the Machine foR

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