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--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


[: Izvinyite ma - igrayet Radio Revolutsiya :]

That’s how the internet radio [: Revoluciya :] used to start their announcements in the free Russian times celebrating the Gorbatchev breakthrough times in Russia all around the world. Looking at my equipment I used to be a DJ of this radio. However, the wind of change in Russia was quickly spoilt by Putin’s coup d’etat that has hit me with man's of Putin kalashnikov in front of my head having my wife looking at that. Surprisingly, the’ve really pushed it, cowards. Sorry, baby! ;o(
However, I could have counted with the help of the Universe and reincarnation as part of the really bestial behaviour of Putin’s henchmen thus I reincarnated right next to the King in Bohemia and established the STB, State (T)Secret Security (I was born in 1978) (we still had StB - State Secuity in Czechs - we, the soldiers of the Sabotage department, called them street patrolmen). We were in charge of all sorts both abroad and home, because, both Macrone and Putin were appointed by Zeman (the Czech president - by the way, according to the Presidential Constitutionas of the Czech Republic the Supreme Comander of all forces (God knows what do the bourgeoisie artists have in mind regarding us, right?!)), we are sure of that!
During that time in Czechs being close to the source I realized a big truth about the unbeatable nature of the bourgeoisie communism and corruption in presence of record (be it in the East or in the West - the actor just tries his best!!!) and maybe good fot the fool Putin because he only pointed at the problem of the white (666) with his diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenia.
But not to speak ill of the dead because I doubt Putin is still alive. Now there’s the question where is the Big Russia heading without that faint-hearted murderer whose psyche I copied just to be more fun (my diagnosis: schizoaffective manic disorder).
Nothing draws me to Russia anymore - first, I got fat in Czechs already and second, there is no one I could play for in Russia - Putin did definitely tried his best on the free-minded same as we did on him. So once again for the great glory of the free times when life was easy to live - Gorbi and Havel: [: Izvinyite ma - igrayet Radio Revolutsiya :] (I can be found under the Publishment Agressive Theraphy). PIC!!! ;o)
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2022/11/12 - Sanctions for the bank!
2022/04/11 - Just the U.S.!
2022/28/09 - Revenge for Afghanistan (cooperation or callaboration?)!
2022/23/09 - The OLD in the hands of the police!
2022/12/08 - QUEER deal!
2022/30/07 - The power of education! - little anthropological analysis
2022/21/07 - Power of awareness!
2022/16/07 - There is no democracy in Srí Lanka controlled by Europe - people are attacking!
2022/07/07 - There is a lack of women in Russia - Putin has been attacking!
2022/22/05 - Kryhplcity IN SPIRAL!
2022/11/05 - Rehabilitation through Putin!
2022/22/04 - Mad-house!
2022/16/04 - [: Izvinyite ma - igrayet Radio Revolutsiya :]
2022/16/04 - 666 vs Whore Manata!
2022/12/04 - Zed is dead, baby - ZET is dead!
2022/02/04 - Trial with the Fake King!
2022/25/03 - Fake Grease!
2022/02/03 - What are we putting in our buttonholes tomorrow II?!
2022/24/02 - What are we putting in our buttonholes tomorrow?! (Golden bullet Siciliana!)
2022/01/01 - Mutiny on the Bounty (EDEN - paradise)!

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