Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Police Whatever State!

The other day, I say a program on the Prima TV channel where the Headquarters are warning all decent people to stay at home, otherwise they might get slapped by cops. At least I have understood that program this way!
Should we be scared? Keep our daughters at home so that a deceitful seller would not throw a theft on her created by a crooked software? No, I got it! There is a way how to ensure fame for cops and peace for us:
We’ll do a peep-show for them! At first, there will be undressing, our matrons will be clucking at TV and then arresting with a domina on the other side of the collar (for men) (have a guess where the handcuffs will be stored just in case (for ladies) ;o) ). And that will be commercial TV, right, what do you say, Prima?
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

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