--- Credits
--- Sunday 2020/8/11
--- Česká verze
Impetuous column or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.
Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)
Parliament, Google It!
The Parliament that was a shield of the bourgeoisie against feudal lords, today - in the time of
beautiful efective optical networks - a throwback.
The world has been going to a crisis that cannot be stopped so the frequent argument
"I’m too busy" won’t be so frequent in the future. The time gained through the crisis could be given to the ruling over our republic.
For those who will go to work and won’t have the 3 hours a day for ruling elected representatives will be ready just like today and the wives at home (because
the amount of the minimum wage will allow us to have that) won’t be able to get mad and attact Germany as a revenge to the WW2 ;o), because
the clever and elected politologists (being real experts) will prevent them to do so and second, we will have a joint army (there won’t be enough money).
The question whether I’m not spoilng something writing about it is arising but I think that
time is slowly heading towards that, and one can only do a little.